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Pharmaceutical USA

The customer is a global pharmaceutical giant headquartered in the United States. It produces medicines and vaccines for a wide range of medical disciplines, including immunology, oncology, cardiology, diabetology, endocrinology, and neurology


The customer had been managing all its data mappings in Excel spreadsheets, a 100-percent manual process so assessing the change impact and determining end to end lineage was a significant challenge.

Like many other large companies, this customer wanted to replace manual data mapping with an automated software solution to drive down costs and timeframes.


By implementing erwin Mapping Manager, the customer was able to scan in all source and target system metadata and maintain it within a single repository. Then new mappings easily were created using drag-and-drop techniques, accelerating the mapping integration process.


  • Automated legacy mapping processes for extraordinary time savings and total cost reduction of 60%
  • Built error-free data mappings with drag-and-drop feature
  • Implemented and enforced industry best practices and standards

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erwin Data Intelligence
erwin Data Intelligence

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