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Intervention d'erwin by Quest à la Matinale IT for Business "Plateforme Data: répondre aux enjeux de votre activité"

Intervention d'erwin by Quest à la Matinale IT for Business "Plateforme Data: répondre aux enjeux de votre activité" 14:09
Dans cette émission, le Solution Strategist Jean-Bernard ADDA donne son avis d'expert autour de la gouvernance des données et explique comment aider les métiers à s'approprier les données. Evénement Digital du 8 Mars 2023 - Canaltech - France

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Evaluating Data Governance Solutions at E.ON

E.ON’s Data Manager Romina Medici discusses the global energy provider’s decision to deploy erwin Data Intelligence, which included a thorough analysis of the data governance solutions market and the ability to meet the organization’s specific data governance requirements.

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Data has to be accessible, manageable and trusted by those who need it and protected from those that don't. With a good data governance program, organizations have the tools and confidence to increase the accessibility of data while keeping it secure. Data governance for regulatory compliance helps organizations stay in line with GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA and more. erwin Data Catalog provides metadata management, opening your eyes to the data you have, where it's been, and where it is now, and setting up the rules for using it. When combined with erwin Data Literacy for business glossary and self-service discovery tools, you'll ensure that the right people find what they need, when they need it, and that they understand it. erwin Data Intelligence keeps you in compliance to ensure policies and best practices are followed.

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Digital Transformation at E.ON

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Adam Famularo, the CEO of erwin, Inc., and Dr. Juan Bernabe-Moreno, Chief Data Officer of E.ON, continue their data governance discussion. This second video focuses on regulatory compliance, including GDPR, with advice about how organizations can navigate complexity to deal with their data in the proper way while also unlocking its value.

Produits apparentés

erwin Data Modeler
erwin Data Modeler

Logiciel de modélisation des données d’entreprise leader du secteur

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erwin Data Intelligence
erwin Data Intelligence

Catalogue intégré de données et fonctionnalités de compétences en exploitation des données

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erwin Data Catalog
erwin Data Catalog

Moisson automatisée des métadonnées, catalogue de données, génération de code et logiciel de lignage des données

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erwin Data Connectors
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Outils de productivité d’automatisation et de développement en option

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erwin Data Literacy
erwin Data Literacy

Gestion de lexique d’entreprise et outils de détection des données en libre-service pour les utilisateurs informatiques et métiers

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erwin Evolve
erwin Evolve

Logiciel complet de modélisation d’architecture d’entreprise et de processus métier et d’analyse