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Webcast: Data Management vs. Data Governance

Webcast: Data Management vs. Data Governance
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Dec. 14, 2021
  • Evento:A pedido
Webcast: Data Management vs. Data Governance

Data management and data governance are both relatively new disciplines. Understanding the differences between the two and how they relate to each other will be extremely helpful in your career. Taking on a leadership position in either area will require you to explain what each effort should entail and how you’ll accomplish specific goals. While data governance is about managing data through proper guidance, we need to dive deeper into each of these disciplines. In this Quest and Dataversity webcast, we’ll cover:

  • Data management and data governance and their relationship to each other
  • Requirements for success
  • What working well together means in this context


Peter Aiken, PhD, Professor of Information Systems, VCU and Founder, Anything Awesome

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